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2020-05-21 来源: 网络投稿 作者: 亚伦



今天这篇文章的作者是高二(1)班的朱浩源 Joe同学和高二(3)班的邹轩宇 Edward同学。在他们笔下,数学老师胡琳丽老师是一位很懂教书、很懂学生,不计较自己得失的老师,是他们所遇到的贵人。



Miss Hu Linli is the best math teacher I have seen in more than ten years.



Academically, she is the best teacher to teach mathematics. I have also taught many so-called famous teachers, masters and backbone teachers. In contrast, I can say that Mrs. Hu is almost impeccable in terms of the quality of teaching and the preciseness of knowledge, even better than the so-called famous teachers. Mrs. Hu is a master's degree in computer engineering. This is a high-tech major in itself, especially a high demand for mathematical thinking. Her solid academic foundation makes her teaching easy. As students, we can feel whether the teacher's knowledge reserve is rich and whether the preparation is serious. As for Mr. Hu, I think the answer is yes. Every frame of the courseware of Mrs. Hu is accurate and detailed. Every example is a typical and fallible question type. Every question of the students can be answered accurately. This is the quality of a famous teacher. There is no doubt that Mrs. Hu did a good job.


I have heard the view that "learning before university is nothing more than learning how to learn". I think Mrs. Hu integrates this point of view into our mathematics study very well. For books, Mrs. Hu advocated that students should read more and develop their ability of self-study; read English textbooks and try to figure out the logic of them. For the expansion of some knowledge points, they often need to search online by themselves; this series of processes have made me have a better learning ability. In her teaching, it is not enough to be able to solve problems. For every mathematical conclusion, it will be derived in detail, such as the principle of calculus, the assumption of limit and the derivation of trigonometric function. These can be said to be the cultivation of mathematical literacy, but also make us have better mathematical thinking.



A good teacher is not only teaching, but also educating people. Mrs. Hu not only teaches the students mathematics, but also tells us a lot about the world and how to behave ourselves. When students encounter some troubles and make some choices, they want to listen to Mrs. Hu first. Perhaps because of his background in science and engineering, Mrs. Hu's point of view is always direct and rational. In the eyes of the students, "Mrs. Hu's point of view sometimes sounds very uncomfortable, but when I think about it afterwards, I always feel very reasonable."



When Mrs. Hu found out that I was not active in math class,she privately cared about and asked about my situation. Knowing that my junior high school foundation is not good, she offered to use her lunch break to help me with my junior high school mathematics. I met such a good teacher unexpectedly when I was treated coldly by my teacher in Pugao. Mrs. Hu not only thinks for me in study, but also for me in life. When I was talking with her in the office, she took out the cake from the bag and gave it to me. Although she didn't say it, I also knew it was the cake from the online red shop, but it took a long time to buy it in the line. She was reluctant to give it all to me. This has become the most enjoyable thing in my daily intense study and life. Because apart from my parents, there are still people who care about me. In the ordinary communication with Mrs. Hu, I affectionately call her "Ganma". First, Mrs. Hu's kindness and sense of responsibility moved us; second, Mrs. Hu's approachability and meticulous care for us. Although Mrs. Hu has some nagging, she is as kind and gentle as his mother. Mrs. Hu always said, "who else can't?" "Do you understand?" "You're in a bad mood. What's the matter? Can you tell me something? " Although I listen to these words over and over again, I can deeply realize that Mrs. Hu is eager for everyone, no matter in mind or in study. In the future, I will never feel bored, because these words are full of love and care. In my lifetime, I feel extremely lucky and happy for having such a teacher. Mrs. Hu's help, care and love for us have been firmly engraved in my heart. I feel extremely lucky and indescribable gratitude for having such a "dear mother".



The so-called dignitaries are those who do not serve your interests, do you good and help you. If I come to evaluate my teacher, I think of "pure", that is, a teacher who knows how to teach and how to understand students, regardless of his own gains and losses. Mrs. Hu may be the noble person we students meet.


撰写:Joe          朱浩源

          Edward     邹轩宇

编辑:Wendy     贾西贝

翻译:Sunny      黄   曰

摄影:Leo          罗   睿

朗读:Andy       龚昱达

           Eric         廖子聪

主编:Jane       肖   依

总编:Johnson    张世霖


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